Body Perception Questionnaire ANS Symptoms (BPQ20-ANS)

The following questionnaire will ask you to respond to 20 statements. Please rate your awareness of each of the sensations listed described below. 

Over the past week, how often have you been aware of the following sensations in your daily life?

1. I have difficulty coordinating breathing and eating.

2. When I am eating, I have difficulty talking.

3. My heart often beats irregularly.

4. When I eat, food feels dry and sticks to my mouth and throat.

5. I feel shortness of breath.

6. I have difficulty coordinating breathing with talking.

7. When I eat, I have difficulty coordinating swallowing, chewing, and/or sucking with breathing.

8. I have a persistent cough that interferes with my talking and eating.

9. I gag from the saliva in my mouth.

10. I have chest pains.

11. I gag when I eat.

12. When I talk, I often feel I should cough or swallow the saliva in my mouth.

13. When I breathe, I feel like I cannot get enough oxygen.

14. I have difficulty controlling my eyes.

15. I feel like vomiting.

16. I have 'sour' stomach.

17. I am constipated.

18. I have indigestion.

19. After eating I have digestive problems.

20. I have diarrhea.

The scores will display once you have responded to every statement.